Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Current Events Challenge!

To begin:

Cause and Effect Video!

Cause and effect are exceedingly important parts of Social Studies, and our understanding of history.  The more we know about these, the more we can actually predict what may happen next.  You will be shocked at your accuracy.  You really will.

Today, I have something fun lined up!  We are going to harness the competitive nature of the class and direct it towards our understanding of Social Studies.

This will be a Class Competition, so please listen to instructions carefully.

First, read through 'The World This Week.'

Highlight, or mark somehow, ones you find interesting.

Our first approach is to look at these events as 'Effects.'  They are the part of the equation that goes after the equals sign.  For the ones that you found interesting, what do you believe, caused them?

For example:  News about the Tsunami can be linked back, very directly, to the Earthquake.

The next part is where the competition part comes in.  We will now look at these events as 'Causes.'  In the events that you find interesting, what do you believe will be the 'effect'?    What is the next step?

Now, for every prediction that is right, you will recieve a point.  This competition will be going on for the remainder of the semester, and the winner(most points) will get a prize at the end.  Don't worry.  The prize will be all kinds of awesome.

Also, the points system is the following:
1 Point for a sure thing
2 Points for a somewhat surprising outcome
3 Points for a very surprising outcome.

The bigger the gamble, the greater the reward, but only if you're right!