Friday, March 4, 2011

Related Issue #1 Review

Concepts and Terms

1.                  What is Ideology?

2.                  Review the key components of the Political/Economic Spectrum
a.       Left, Centre, Right
b.      Collectivist to Individualism
c.       Dictatorship vs. Democracy
d.      Communism, Socialism, Liberalism, Conservatism, Fascism

4.                  How do you define Individualism
a.       Socially
b.      Politically
c.       Economically

5.                  How can countries that believe in individualism promote it/protect it for its people?
6.                  Why do some people oppose individualism … think of arguments they would use.

7.                  Political Thinkers and their views on Human Nature
a.       John Locke
b.      Jean Jacques Rousseau
c.       Hobbes
Note:  what is their view of Human Nature and how should government be involved in the lives of its citizens

8.                  How do you define Collectivism
a.       Socially
b.      Politically
c.       Economically

9.                  Provide examples of Collectivism in action (how people work together, for the benefit of the group, EITHER by choice or through force).

10.              How does Marx’s view of Communism relate to the concept of Collectivism.

In addition, ensure you have an understanding of the 'key terms' at the beginning of Chapter 1 and 2.  If you understand these, and can apply them, you are in good shape for the exam.  If you have any questions, feel free to email and ask.