Monday, March 14, 2011

Unit 2 Day 3

The Beginnings of Capitalism

To begin, we will look at whether Adam Smith believed in government intervention for education, minimum wages, etc.

The short answer is no.  The long answer I will explain in class.

Second, we will go over any questions you may have from your reading.

Before 1750, Britain, and the rest of Europe, had a Traditional Economy.  Simply put, this includes subsistence farming and small cottage industry.  First of all, what do these mean?

Why would these place limits on the progress of a country?

Why did a laissez-faire approach help the economy?

Lastly, we will discuss the possible effects to the Japanese Economy from the earthquake, and discuss the Stock Market in the process.

Lastly, I will have you work on "Explore the Issues" on page 113.  Please do questions 1,2,3, and 5b.  Also, for question 1, ignore Dickens.