Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day 2

Schedule for Day 2

Go over any questions from yesterday.

Introduce RSS Reader Instructions. RSS Readers  are programs that send you updates every time a Blog is updated.  This would be handy for this course. If possible, set up a gmail account beforehand.  In order to use the 'Google Reader,' you will have to have a gmail account.  To join gmail, go to:

Continue on definitions from Social 10.  For those who missed yesterday, see Day 1 to see what we did.  When we are finished, I will post them on this site.

*Remember!  You do not need to write the definitions as we go.  Pay attention, of course, but do not be concerned with keeping up with the writing.  These will all be posted on the site for Day 3.

For tomorrow!  Start thinking about Nationalism.  What does it mean to you?  What do you remember from last year?  What terms do you remember?  What countries did you look at?

Just for Fun: Remember when we talked about Egypt's rebellion today?  Check these pictures out.