Hey gang,
Schedule for today!
First of all, I would like you to complete the sheets that are on the desk labelled "Social 30." The first one is a 'Would You Rather' exercise. Though it may seem simplistic, this will get you back in the habit of Finding Evidence, and Supporting Your Opinion. Skip past the 'Come up with your own' section and go straight to the back page. Please complete these in complete sentences.
Now, to get the most out of the assignment, please follow these steps.
1. Do the assignment, on your own, without talking to anyone. (10 Minutes)
2. Discuss your answers, your justifications, and your values, as written on the back.
3. Hang on to these. We will be discussing these further as a class on Monday.
Next, please fill out the ideology questionnaire and evaluation, and find your 'ideological total.' Please read through the following sheets on your own. Again, please hang on to these, as we will be discussing them further on Monday.
Lastly, we have some text reading and questions. You may do these in groups. We will be discussing these on Monday. The assignment is as follows:
Read Page 4-the middle of page 10.
Answer the first 3 bulleted questions. We will do the last two on Monday.
Read Page 10 and 11.
Answer the 2 questions at the bottom of page 11.
Finish reading to page 19.
I expect you should be able to finish this in class. If not, can someone please email me( matthew.chomistek@wrsd.ca ) and let me know where you got to. The 'Nationalism' Definitions should be posted and handed out by Tuesday at the latest. Globalization Defintions will also be handed out shortly. Have a great weekend! Keep an eye on the news!