Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 5

Schedule for Today!

1. Review from Friday's class.  Any questions or comments?  I will give you about five minutes to gather up your gear and clear the cobwebs from the weekend.

2. Go over reading questions.

3. Definitions of "Conservatism" and "Liberalism"

3. Quick introduction to ideological continuum.

4. Research Project!  You will be divided into three groups, each assigned to one of the "Big Three" Philosophers.   Here is your task:

-The philosophers Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau will be very important in this course.  As such, we will be doing a research project on them.  Now, this project has two distinct parts: the medium, and the message.  I will explain.

-Medium: You will have to find information using three means: My computer, the tablet, and an iPhone. In the course of your research, please identify two advantages, and two disadvantages to it.  You will get to use all three devices for ten minutes, then switch.

Message: You will be providing answers to the points on the bottom of page 18, as well as the following question:

"What event or condition in their life contributed the most, in your opinion, to their outlook?"

Lastly, we will present, and try to determine where each sits on our continuum.  In addition, we will discuss the usefulness of each research tool.

P.S.  We discussed the things that impact our identity.  We listed the contributors to our identity.  Tomorrow, we will try to group them.