Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 7


Review from yesterday.

1.  To begin, we will carry on listening to Martin Luther King Jr.'s speech.
What is his ideology?  Remember, try to break it down into the following questions:

A. What are his guiding principles?
B. What does he believe about human nature?  Or society?

2. Some textbook work:
-Read Chapter 1(Page 20-56)
-Answer the 'Pause and Reflect' Questions.  Do not worry about the 'Explore the Issues' parts.

*If you finish, you may discuss your answers with a partner. We will be discussing these upon your return on Monday. 

The last thing I would like you to consider is the following:

So far, we have seen how people express their ideologies with speeches(Martin Luther King, Jr.) and manifestos(Karl Marx).  Please come to class on Monday with some ideas, and possibly examples of other ways people express their ideologies.